ActiveBatch User Interfaces

ActiveBatch supports a range of interfaces, allowing organizations to customize their automation environment to their unique needs

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Programmatic Interfaces / APIs

Web Services API

ActiveBatch Web Services, supporting SOAP 1.1 - 1.2 and REST, provides developers a direct, industry standard approach for programmatically invoking ActiveBatch methods to more easily interact with other non-ActiveBatch programs and processes.

ActiveBatch Web Services API is a core capability in ActiveBatch V11 and above and is included in the core license.

Explore the Web Services API

PowerShell Module

ActiveBatch’s PowerShell Module uses Microsoft standard verbs and ActiveBatch specific nouns that support the triggering of ActiveBatch Jobs, getting scheduler information, retrieving log files, performing operations, creating Objects, and more.

The PowerShell Module is included within ActiveBatch’s core capabilities and core license.

Discover the PowerShell Module

COM Programmatic Interface

ActiveBatch is designed and built on a COM Model to provide system administrators and developers with programmatic access to all ActiveBatch Objects, Methods, and Properties.

The COM API is included within ActiveBatch’s core capabilities and core license.

Linux | UNIX Command Line Interface

ActiveBatch includes a Linux | UNIX Command Line Interface (CLI), ABATCMD, that supports single line command execution of ActiveBatch operations.

The Linux | UNIX CLI is part of the ActiveBatch capabilities and is available as a separate download, included in the core license.